
5 Signs to Evaluate the Right time for Website Redesign

Having a user-friendly and well-designed website is necessary for each business. Almost 85% of users think that a well-designed website can make business more reliable. So, every company must have a website to gain more success. 

Not only having a website is enough. It is also important to have an updated and properly functioning site. 

Now the main question is when you need to redesign your website. You can even avail services of a Web development agency. Let’s explore this article and know what you don’t know. 

What Does a Website Redesign Entail?

When we talk about redesigning a website. It means a process which involves the updating of a site. For this, you need to change content, structure, navigation and more. The aim behind redesigning is to increase its performance and attract more visitors.

Now, many business companies are investing in redesigning. Some want to redesign their website for business purposes. In contrast, some want to attract more traffic to the site.

Though redesigning is important, it is not a simple process. For it, you need to make a plan and consider the following factors:

Determine your Website’s Current Performance

Before starting to redesign a site, The first step is to check the current performance of the site. This way, you can get an idea of what the stage of your website is. So you can make a better plan about what you need to improve.

It is good if you check the latest performance of the site by an online marketing company. It provides you with a better understanding of what you should improve and what to maintain. You should ask the following questions to yourself:

  • How many people visited your site last month?
  • What is the bounce rate of last month?
  • How many visitors spent time on this site last month?

When you get an idea about all these questions. It becomes easy for you to know what you need to update. Besides, it helps you to compete with other sites by meeting the criteria. 

Identify your Goals

As we know that redesigning a website is not a simple task. It requires effort, skills and energy. No doubt, it is a major decision and you need to consider some factors. 

It is not enough for you to have a reason that you want to redesign. It is also not enough reason if your competitor just did a redesign. First, you need to determine your goals. 

Your aim should not only revolve around your competitor and improving overall performance. It should make your website more functional to attract more audience. It means you should focus on your aims and tie them at a point. Otherwise, everything will be pointless. 

Determine your Target Audience

Never think that you have designed a website for yourself. It is for your targeted audience. So, always first determine who your targeted audience is. This way, you can get an idea of what your audience wants from you. When a visitor visits your site, he first analyzes what is on this website for me. If he has something of interest in a website, he will explore it more. As a result, he will buy something that he wants. 

In simple words, you must know your audience and redesign a website according to their needs. You should never skip this step, whether you have to redesign a business website or another site.

Identify your Branding and Messaging

For the redesigning of your business website. You need to identify your branding and messages. This way, you can convey your message to your targeted audience. 

In simple words, you must have a website that helps users to get an idea of what you are offering. Besides, the website should be redesigned to keep visitors to the site for a long time. Not only this, the redesigned website allows users to come back. 

Never try to change the message until you have some solid reason. Make sure to use the right language, logo and style to convey your message. 

Keep your Search Engine Optimized Pages Intact

The visibility of a website is very much important in the online world. It is not possible for anyone to increase leads and sales if no one knows how to find them. 

In that case, SEO is the most important step each business must take. Make sure to add SEO to your redesign plan and make your website optimized. 

First, you need to check which pages are converting more leads. Then you can document these pages and move them to the redesigned website. 

Besides, it is also a good idea to add the right keywords on each page of a new website. This way, you can maintain the engagement of your website even if you do not improve SEO. 

5 Signs to Check if its a Time to Redesign Your Website

Till now, you have an idea of what you need to do for a website redesign. It is time to figure out some signs to redesign your website. Let’s explore some of the following signs:

1. It’s Not Converting

Suppose you notice a non-conversion of more users and leads. Then it is the right time to redesign your website for more conversion.

No doubt, each business wants more leads, so build a website. This way, the business can get better results. What if your website is not converting more leads? Obviously, it will not engage more customers. As a result, it will minimize sales. So, focus on website redesigning for more leads and sales.

2. It’s Visually Outdated

Suppose your website’s front page is so old that it looks like the 90s. Then you don’t need to wait for website redesigns. Make a better redesign plan now and make your site’s front page look attractive. 

No one wants to visit a visually outdated website. It becomes difficult for you to convince visitors that your website is the right place. 

Besides, an updated website is just like a common retailer. So, make your website look updated and new to attract more visitors. 

3. It’s Hard to Navigate

Not only look to attract visitors who must visit your site. Another factor that is the key to attraction is the ease of navigation. It allows visitors to come back again to get more valuable content.

Obviously, if anyone comes to your site, he needs help from your website. He clicks a page to find the desired thing. So, if he feels like it is hard to navigate your site, then he will automatically go to another site. Obviously, you don’t want it. 

4. Low SEO Rankings

To make your website more demanding and get more sales. The initial step you should take is to visit Google. Check the ranking of your website. Ensure that your website is on the first page for the offered services if your website is not on the first page. It means you need to redesign it for a high SEO ranking. 

With time, the algorithm of Google changes. So, you need to update your site accordingly. Never try to add too many keywords on a page. It is not a good idea and will not work for your site’s ranking. Make sure to create super-quality content for high ranking. 

5. Not Mobile Friendly

Now, more than half the population uses mobiles to visit any website. Whether people need to browse a website or do online shopping, they prefer phones. 

So, it is important for website owners to create a mobile-friendly website. Suppose you can’t create a mobile-friendly website. Then you are not loyal to your business. Redesign it now and allow users to access it through mobiles or desktops. 

Tips For Redesigning Your Website

Choose the Right Tools

For the creation of an appealing and best business website. You need to choose the right tool. Simply put, the content management system is the best tool for website creation and redesigning. 

Content is King

When it comes to anything online, content is much more important. It means you need to have super-quality content on your site. Never try to have much content but try to have quality content.

Don’t Forget the Basics

For the best website redesign, you need to know the basics. These may be a blog, landing pages, RSS feeds and more. 

RSS feeds are important to push your website content to other sites. So, it increases access and visibility for users. 

Hire a Freelancer

The good news for all business owners is to hire a freelancer. This way, they don’t need to give time to website creation and redesigning. They just need to give time to some important tasks. A freelancer can provide you with quality services in less time. 


Website redesigning is important as website creation. This way, you can keep your business website up to date and bring your business to the next level. 

It is important for you to just focus on redesigning. 

No matter what the reason behind it is, you must do it.