
The Ultimate Work-From-Home Essentials Checklist

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for many people, given the changing times. There are a lot of benefits to working from home, including flexibility and comfort. But before you can start reaping the benefits, you need to make sure that you have all the essentials set up and ready to go.

In this blog post, we will discuss the essential items that you need to work comfortably and effectively from home. Remember that it doesn’t end when you get home internet that best suits your needs. So, let’s get started!

Why is WFH getting more popular these days?

The main reason people are opting to work from home is the flexibility it provides. Working remotely not only allows you to save time and money on commuting but also gives you the freedom to create your own schedule. In addition, working from home can help promote a healthier lifestyle by eliminating the long hours of being in an office cubicle all day.

What do you need for a comfortable and productive WFH experience?

1. A comfortable workspace

The most important part of working from home is having a designated workspace that’s comfortable and suited to your needs. This could be anything from setting up a desk in your bedroom to creating a dedicated office space in another part of the house. 

Wherever you decide to set up your workspace, make sure it is in a comfortable and quiet area that allows you to focus on your work.

2. Ergonomic furniture

Ergonomic furniture, such as adjustable desks and chairs, is essential when working from home, as it can help prevent injuries associated with sitting at a desk all day. Additionally, make sure that your chair provides good support for your back, so that you can sit comfortably while working.

3. Internet connection

As mentioned early in the article, it’s not enough that you get home internet that suits your needs best. But it certainly is one of the most, if not the most, important.

An internet connection with sufficient speed is essential for any WFH setup, as it will allow you to quickly access documents or send emails without having to wait around for long periods of time. Make sure to check what type of internet connection is available in your area before deciding which provider to use.

4. Office supplies

Having all the necessary office supplies, such as pens, paper and notebooks can help make your WFH experience much more enjoyable and productive. Moreover, having everything you need close by will also reduce distractions caused by having to get up in search of missing supplies or documents.

5. Technology

Technology is an integral part of any WFH setup, so having the right tools and equipment is key to a successful remote working experience. Make sure your computer has enough RAM for multitasking and sufficient storage space for files and documents. 

In addition, consider investing in a reliable headset with noise cancellation capabilities if you plan on engaging in video calls frequently.

6. Backup plans

It’s important to have backup plans in place for when you experience any technical difficulties. This could be anything from having an extra laptop at home to using a cloud service to store files and documents securely.

7. Break time

Working from home can be both physically and mentally taxing, so it is important to take regular breaks throughout the day in order to remain focused on your work. Whether it’s going for a walk around the block, taking a few minutes of meditation or just stretching, making sure that you prioritise yourself will go a long way towards improving your productivity levels.


Working from home can be an extremely rewarding experience as long as you are willing to invest the effort and resources necessary to make it work. Having the right setup and tools is essential to ensuring that you are able to achieve maximum productivity while also maintaining your physical and mental health. 

With the tips above, you can create a comfortable and practical workspace for yourself at home, enabling you to enjoy all the benefits of remote working.