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How to run your Visual Regression testing scripts with Selenium?

In the ever-evolving realm of software development, where user experience is the gold standard, the preservation of visual integrity of web pages and applications has assumed paramount importance. Visual Regression Testing (VRT) encompasses a comprehensive quality assurance process that not only guards the aesthetics of digital interfaces but also upholds user satisfaction, trust, and the overarching brand reputation.

At its core, VRT is a meticulous endeavour involving the scrupulous examination and intricate comparison of visual elements within a web page or application—both before and after modifications are implemented. However, the significance of this process goes beyond routine checks; it represents a vigilant safeguarding mechanism, pre-empting unintended visual defects that may emerge due to alterations in the User Interface (UI). The delicate interplay of colours, shapes, fonts, and layout that guides users through their visual journey is meticulously balanced, and VRT ensures that this journey remains unobstructed.

Beyond Aesthetic Considerations: Reputation and Trust

The relevance of VRT extends far beyond the scope of ensuring pixel-perfect aesthetics. In a landscape where user expectations have soared to unprecedented heights, even the slightest deviation from the anticipated visual design can lead to user dissatisfaction, confusion, or even the outright abandonment of a digital platform. These seemingly minor visual inconsistencies can set off a domino effect of consequences, impacting not just the immediate user experience but also casting shadows over a company’s reputation.

An apparently trivial misalignment or an inconsistent colour palette might seem inconsequential initially, but the implications can be profound. Users, conditioned to expect seamless digital interactions, may perceive such issues as indications of negligence or subpar software quality. These impressions are not merely a threat to user trust, they also tarnish the brand’s reputation. In an era where digital touchpoints wield immense influence over brand perception, VRT assumes the role of a sentinel, defending both user satisfaction and the sanctity of the brand.

Striking the Balance: Manual vs. Automated VRT

The realm of VRT encompasses two primary methodologies: manual and automated.

Manual VRT entails the meticulous side-by-side comparison of UI screenshots before and after changes are introduced. While manual scrutiny injects a human touch and an unparalleled attention to detail, it arrives with inherent limitations such as the potential for human errors and resource-intensive demands especially when dealing with intricate applications featuring an array of screens.

In contrast, automated VRT introduces a paradigm shift. By leveraging specialised tools and meticulously constructed scripts, automation streamlines the process of capturing, comparing, and identifying disparities among UI screenshots. The automation aspect accelerates the testing process while effectively eradicating the possibility of human oversight. However, the challenge lies in striking a harmonious equilibrium where automation seamlessly complements human discernment, particularly when scrutinising nuanced visual facets that automation might inadvertently overlook.

Unleashing Selenium’s Automation Power

This is where Selenium, an open-source automation testing framework, takes centre stage. Selenium, tried and truly reliable in web application testing, goes beyond being a mere tool, it embodies an entire ecosystem that empowers testers and developers to automate browser interactions and execute intricate testing scenarios. While Selenium automation testing has historically earned accolades for its prowess in functional testing, its capabilities extend seamlessly into the realm of VRT.

Selenium’s role stretches beyond mere interaction with UI elements. It boasts the capability to capture the very essence of the UI through screenshots, thereby enabling testers to automate scenarios that encompass navigation, interaction, data input, and, most crucially, a comprehensive visual assessment. In essence, Selenium scripts do not just replicate user actions, they capture a visual snapshot of the application at various stages thus enriching the VRT process with a holistic perspective that embraces both technical functionality and aesthetic excellence.

Step-by-Step: Selenium-Powered VRT

A concrete example serves to illuminate the integration of Selenium into the realm of VRT:

1. Selenium Setup: Embark on the journey by meticulously installing Selenium and its associated dependencies. This foundational step sets the stage for your VRT endeavour.

2. Script Crafting: Develop a meticulously designed Selenium script that leaves no stone unturned. This script transforms into a digital detective, navigating through your web application, capturing baseline screenshots, simulating user interactions that inevitably alter the UI, capturing fresh screenshots post-interaction, and methodically juxtaposing the two sets of screenshots. Should any discrepancies emerge, the script stands ready to trigger alerts or notifications, promptly flagging potential visual regressions.

3. Script Execution: Execute your meticulously crafted Selenium script and behold the enchantment that unfolds. The script orchestrates the entire VRT process seamlessly and autonomously. The efficiency and repeatability that underpin these tests stand as distinct hallmarks of Selenium’s profound contribution to the realm of VRT.

Elevating VRT with LambdaTest’s Cloud Advantage

While Selenium equips us with the fundamental tools for automation, LambdaTest takes the VRT journey a step further by transferring it to the cloud. LambdaTest, a robust cloud-based testing platform, offers an all-encompassing toolkit that not only enhances the efficiency of VRT but also broadens its scope.

One of LambdaTest’s most compelling features lies in its exceptional compatibility across 3000+ of browsers and devices. In a landscape where users interact with applications across a diverse range of browsers and devices, LambdaTest emerges as a steadfast guarantor of the consistent visual excellence of your application. From the familiarity of Chrome to the elegance of Safari and the functionality of Edge, LambdaTest’s comprehensive compatibility ensures a harmonious and flawless user experience, regardless of the platform.

Parallel testing, yet another jewel in LambdaTest’s crown, is a transformative force. It empowers testers to conduct multiple VRT tests concurrently, resulting in a significant reduction in testing timelines. This feature is especially invaluable for modern web applications that navigate intricate user interactions and traverse diverse user journeys.

LambdaTest’s user-friendly interface serves as an equalising factor. It bridges the gap that often exists between the intricacies of Selenium scripts and the proficiency of non-technical testers, making VRT an accessible and collaborative endeavour. LambdaTest simplifies the entire process, enabling a broader array of team members to actively contribute to the VRT initiative.

The Odyssey of LambdaTest-Enabled VRT

In the journey of embarking on VRT through the LambdaTest platform, a comprehensive and multi-step guide emerges:

1. Account Creation: Initiate your LambdaTest journey by meticulously crafting a personalised account that aligns with your unique testing requisites. This account serves as your portal, opening doors to a diverse array of VRT tools, resources, and capabilities.

2. Project Establishment: Establish a dedicated and intricately tailored project within the expansive LambdaTest ecosystem. By encapsulating your web application within the contours of a well-defined project, you lay the groundwork for a testing process that is methodical, organised, and streamlined.

3. Chronicles of Screenshots: Navigate to the specially designated “Screenshots” section within your LambdaTest project. Here, you embark on the journey of generating a meticulously curated set of baseline screenshots. These screenshots encapsulate the very essence of your application’s visual identity.

4. Customising VRT Tests: Define the specific screenshots that are to be used as the baseline for comparison. Configure the settings that govern the comparison process, taking into account the intricacies of your application’s visual elements. This customization empowers you to fine-tune the VRT process according to the unique requirements of your project, ensuring that every facet of the user interface is thoroughly evaluated for potential regressions.

5. Summoning the Testing Rite: Engage the “Run Test” functionality within the “Visual Regression Testing” section of your LambdaTest project. With this ceremonial invocation, the machinery of LambdaTest springs into action, meticulously scrutinising the designated screenshots. This meticulous comparison unfurls as a comprehensive report, casting a spotlight on any visual regressions that have been detected. This invaluable report serves as a roadmap for rectifying any discrepancies and maintaining the application’s visual integrity.

Embracing LambdaTest’s Advantages

In the intricate tapestry of software development, the integration of Visual Regression Testing has transformed from being a discretionary practice to a strategic imperative. LambdaTest, armed with its comprehensive suite of VRT capabilities, emerges as a dependable ally in the relentless pursuit of flawless web applications. The platform’s proficiency in parallel testing, extensive browser compatibility, user-centric design, and cost-effectiveness collectively position it as the preferred choice for forward-looking teams.

As the digital landscape continues its dynamic evolution and user expectations continue their upward trajectory, the embrace of VRT and the harnessing of tools like Selenium and LambdaTest cease to be mere prudent decisions they become strategic moves that ensure your digital offerings resonate harmoniously with users around the globe. The synergistic interplay of automation, cloud technology, and human judgement creates a symphony that harmonises technological prowess with aesthetic excellence, culminating in digital experiences that captivate and delight users across diverse platforms and devices.


In conclusion, the journey through the realm of Visual Regression Testing is a multifaceted one, where meticulous attention to detail, automation, and cloud-powered advantages converge. VRT stands as a sentinel, guarding the visual integrity of digital interfaces while preserving user satisfaction and brand reputation. Selenium’s automation prowess, combined with LambdaTest’s cloud-based toolkit, elevates VRT to new heights of efficiency and scope, ensuring that digital applications remain not just functional, but visually impeccable.

As software development continues its relentless march forward, teams that embrace VRT as an integral part of their quality assurance strategy are poised to flourish. The confluence of technical expertise, innovative tools, and a commitment to user-centric design cultivates an environment where digital excellence becomes the norm rather than the exception. Thus, the journey of Visual Regression Testing, powered by Selenium and LambdaTest, becomes a saga of unwavering dedication to crafting digital experiences that stand as shining examples of the harmonious blend of technology and aesthetics.