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How To Perform Automated Cross-Browser Testing On Cloud?

By ensuring that websites and web applications work identically across all current browser types and versions, businesses have relied on cross-browser testing over the years to stay ahead of the competition. You can’t really afford to disregard cross-browser testing, whether you’re building a brand-new website or web application or running an existing one.

To ensure consistent performance and proper rendering of websites and web applications across various web browsers and their versions, cross-browser testing stands as an indispensable stage within the web development process. This critical procedure aids in the detection and resolution of potential compatibility issues since different browsers interpret and render code differently. It involves evaluating the functionality, structure, and appearance of a website across a range of browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Edge.

Cross-browser testing empowers developers to verify that their online projects present and operate as intended across all end-user browser platforms. It promotes accessibility, safeguards against disruptive and unattractive design flaws, and guarantees a seamless user experience. In this article, we will discuss automation cross-browser testing and its related concepts.

What is Cross Browser Testing?

Testing web applications and web pages across a variety of browsers, operating systems/platforms, and devices to make sure they function as intended across all such combinations is known as cross-browser testing. Cross-browser testing has long been a highly important component of how websites and web apps are tested across different browsers because each web browser has its own unique style of rendering websites.

This is quite obvious from the fact that many top software testing firms have invested in building reliable cross-browser test automation accelerator frameworks. They support a wide range of platforms where you can create and run automated tests for web and mobile applications on a variety of browsers and mobile devices. LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and test execution platform that allows your applications to be tested across 3000+ real browsers and OS combinations. Here are some key features of LambdaTest:

  • You can perform real-time testing where you can get real-time information on any errors or bugs in the software application tested across different browsers.
  • It offers automation testing capabilities, allowing developers to run automated test scripts concurrently across multiple browsers.
  • You can run a parallel test across different browsers; this saves testing time and effort.

Therefore, if you want to take compatibility testing seriously, choosing LambdaTest cross-browser cloud testing solutions seems to be your best option.

The Advantages Of Automated Cross-Browser Testing In The Cloud

AI-powered cloud-based automated cross-browser testing is enhancing web development and quality assurance. With the help of automation and AI-powered test orchestration and execution platform LambdaTest, cross-browser testing guarantees flawless performance across all web browsers and their respective versions. Let’s take a closer look at its impact:


Cloud-based automated cross-browser testing in LambdaTest with wide coverage gives a range of browser and device options for testing. This covers a variety of operating systems, screen resolutions, and browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as those browsers’ revisions. This extensive coverage helps identify compatibility issues that manual testing might miss.

Effectiveness and speed

Test cases can be quickly run simultaneously across several browsers by running automated tests in LambdaTest. As opposed to manual testing, which is time-consuming and prone to error, automation considerably speeds up the testing process. Agility is necessary in today’s fast-paced development environments to enable quicker releases and issue fixes.


Testing solutions built on the LambdaTest simplify scaling up or down in response to shifting testing needs. No matter how big or small your business is, you can meet your testing needs without the hassle of managing on-premises infrastructure.


Setting up and keeping up conventional on-site testing setups is expensive. LambdaTest uses pay-as-you-go models, so you only pay for resources you actually use. It is accessible to businesses of all sizes and income levels due to its accessibility.


Automation testing is remarkably repeatable and consistent. They precisely follow the same checks and procedures each time, reducing the possibility of human error and guaranteeing accurate test results. For assessing browser compatibility with reliability, consistency is essential.

Regression testing

As web programs get more sophisticated, accidental updates or modifications may break compatibility with earlier versions of supported browsers. Incorporating automated cross-browser testing into your continuous integration (CI) and deployment (CD) procedures is straightforward and can be leveraged by LambdaTest. By following this procedure, you may be confident that your web application will always function properly and be compatible with the latest browser versions.

Parallel Testing

Testing in parallel is made possible by cloud-based testing services, which involve running numerous tests at once on various browser setups. The testing process is significantly sped up by this concurrent execution, which makes it easier to see problems and respond to them more rapidly.

Real Device Access

A small number of cloud testing services give users access to real devices, including tablets and smartphones. This is crucial for assessing a web application’s responsiveness on mobile devices and ensuring it works properly on various screens with various resolutions.

Geographical Testing

Cross-browser testing can be run on the LambdaTest from several places. This is essential for determining how effectively your web application performs in various network scenarios and ensuring accessibility to all users.

Procedures for Automated Cross-Browser Testing

Cloud-based automated cross-browser testing advances this crucial procedure. It has several benefits over manual testing, including price, scalability, and speed. A thorough explanation of how to do it is provided below:

Step 1: Select the Appropriate Cross-Browser Testing Software

The first and most crucial step in automated cross-browser testing is choosing the right technology. Numerous cloud-based testing options are available, including LambdaTest. This tool provides a wide range of browser and device combinations for testing.

Step 2: Create a testing environment.

You must set up your testing environment after selecting a testing tool. This frequently entails setting up an account, customising your testing configurations (browsers, hardware, and operating systems), and, sporadically, adding a driver or browser extension.

Step 3: Write test scripts

The basis of automated testing is the test script. In essence, they are a series of instructions that specify what the testing tool should do in relation to your web application. Although creating test scripts may require some technical expertise, many testing solutions provide straightforward user interfaces that enable script creation without programming.

Step 4: Take exams online

Once your test scripts are completed, you now have to run tests in the cloud. After you enter the specifications of browsers and devices, upload your test scripts to your testing platform.

Step 5: Check the final outcome

You get a full and final report when you run the tests. This report includes screenshots, logs, performance data, and test results. Always ensure checking the results properly to find errors on different browsers for cross-checking.

Importance of Cloud-Based Automated Cross-Browser Testing

The many advantages of cloud-based automated cross-browser testing can greatly improve the efficacy, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of developing web applications. Let’s examine these advantages in greater detail:

Real Device Access

A small number of cloud testing service providers give customers access to real gadgets like tablets and smartphones. This is crucial for assessing a web application’s responsiveness on mobile devices and ensuring it works properly across various displays with various resolutions.

Geo-Based Testing

Cross-browser testing can be done from a variety of places using the cloud. This is useful for making sure that your web application is cross-platform compatible and testing how well it performs under various network scenarios.

Complete Reporting

Cloud testing tools generate comprehensive reports that contain screenshots, logs, performance information, and pass/fail results. These reports give you essential details on how your web application works in multiple browsers, which aids in detecting and prioritising issues.

Accessibility and Collaboration

Due to the cloud-based architecture of these platforms, team members can readily collaborate on them from any place. Online test results and reports make discussing and keeping track of issues simpler.

Less likelihood of downtime or user-impacting defects

After deployment, the likelihood of downtime or user-impacting defects is decreased by quickly identifying and resolving cross-browser compatibility problems. This proactive approach raises customer happiness and protects the reputation of your online application.

Best practice of Cross browser testing on cloud

Here are some of the best practices for performing cross-browser testing on the cloud:

  • Evaluating the website from a user’s perspective assists in shaping test scenarios for user interactions.
  • Emphasising test coverage verifies that the website executes application code and conducts tests.
  • Maintaining a browser matrix conserves time by avoiding unnecessary testing on incompatible browsers.
  • Daily test automation decreases future test case accumulation and prevents error backtracking in extensive code.
  • Implementing shift-left testing not only saves time but also reveals critical requirements and architectural flaws that late-stage testing may overlook.


The future of web developers and quality assurance teams could be completely transformed by automated cross-browser testing in the cloud. They may now create web applications that function dependably and consistently across numerous browsers and gadgets.

Utilising the advice in this article and cloud-based testing solutions, you can streamline your testing processes, lower testing expenses, and ensure that your web apps work well in varied internet environments. For a brighter online future, master cross-browser testing and embrace the potential of automation and the cloud.