
Himalayan Pink Salt Nutrition: Health Benefits

Himalayan pink salt comes from nature and is good for your health. The beautiful pink color of this special salt comes due to the presence of trace minerals in it. It is one of the purest salt on the planet because it isn’t processed as much as regular table salt.

In this article, we find out what the truth is about Himalayan pink salt and what it can do for your health.

We’ll talk about its benefits, compare it to regular salt, and make it easier for you to decide if you want to try this pink salt wonder.

What Is Himalayan Pink Salt?

Himalayan Pink Salt is a type of rock salt that comes from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan which is at the base of the Himalayas. It is known for its pink hue which comes from trace minerals like iron, potassium, and magnesium.

Himalayan pink salt is often less refined than regular table salt which may have additives like anti-caking agents because it forms naturally.

Himalayan Pink Salt contains 84 trace minerals and elements which makes it good for your health. To know more about Himalayan Salt, Visit Ittefaq Salt – a Himalayan salt manufacturer in Pakistan. 

Himalayan Pink Salt Vs Regular Salt

The main difference between Himalayan salt and table salt is how they are made and the trace minerals they contain. Table salt is refined a lot, leaving only sodium chloride and added iodine, which is important for thyroid health

Himalayan salt, on the other hand, is very natural and has 84 trace minerals. These minerals can improve the pH level, the amount of water in the body, and the way the brain, muscles, and nerves work.

Also, commercial table salt often has additives that keep it from clumping together, while high-quality, unrefined Himalayan salt has about 87 percent sodium chloride and is pure. 

Take advantage of the many minerals in Himalayan salt and think about how it might be better for your health than regular table salt, which has been heavily processed.

Health Benefits Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Let’s look at the health benefits of Himalayan pink salt in-depth and see what benefits it may have:

Balancing pH Levels

The high number of electrolytes in pink Himalayan salt makes it good for balancing the pH levels in the body. Electrolytes are needed for fluid balance and for cells to work correctly. 

You can help your body to absorb electrolytes by adding a pinch of Himalayan salt in water or fruit juice which will help you stay hydrated. This can be especially helpful when it’s hot outside or when you’re working out hard and losing electrolytes.

Improves Sleep

Himalayan pink salt contains magnesium and potassium, which are important minerals. You may be able to sleep better with the help of these minerals.

Neurotransmitters in the brain are controlled by magnesium, which is known to help people relax and sleep better.

Treating Skin Conditions

The use of Himalayan salt can be beneficial for treating skin conditions. It can also be good for the health of your skin. If you have painful symptoms of severe eczema, adding a cup of Himalayan pink salt to a warm bath may help. 

Minerals in salt can help reduce skin inflammation and irritation, which can help people with skin problems feel better. Himalayan salt scrubs and soaks are also often used in spa treatments to remove dead skin and refresh the skin.

Improves Digestion

Himalayan salt can help digestion by making digestive enzymes make more digestive juices. The natural minerals in the salt may help keep the pH level in the stomach at a healthy level and help break down food.

Supports Respiratory Health

Salt therapy which is also called halotherapy is often done with Himalayan salt to help with respiratory health. People think that breathing in salt in the air is good for the respiratory system and can help ease the symptoms of asthma, allergies, and sinus congestion.

Improves Mineral Intake

Due to the refining process, table salt often loses essential minerals, which results in its reduced mineral content. On the other hand, the trace minerals in Himalayan salt provide important nutrients like calcium, iron, and magnesium, which are essential for many body functions.

Nutritional Value Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Every type of salt including pink Himalayan salt primarily includes sodium chloride. Himalayan salt, however, contains 84 trace minerals since it is not refined like regular table salt.

Some of these minerals contain tiny amounts of:

  • Iron 
  • Copper 
  • Calcium
  • Potassium 
  • Magnesium

The following table compares the mineral content of  Himalayan Pink Salt and Regular Table Salt.

Minerals (per 1 gram)Himalayan Pink SaltRegular Table Salt
Calcium1.6 mg0.4 mg
Potassium2.8 mg0.9 mg
Magnesium1.06 mg0.0139 mg
Iron0.0369 mg0.0101 mg
Sodium368 mg381 mg

Usually regular table salt has been through a lot of processing. Many of the natural health benefits of salt are lost in the heavy processing. 

The only mineral left in regular table salt is sodium, and iodine has been added. Iodine was first added to salt to prevent goiters and other problems caused by not getting enough iodine.


A small amount of Himalayan Pink Salt in your diet can add good minerals and elevate your food flavor. If you don’t have any health problems, using this salt in moderation can be a great way to improve your dining experience.