Home Improvement

7 Expert Tips for Ensuring Safe Roof Maintenance

The thought of working outside in the sweltering hot Australian sun is enough to scare anyone out of doing their annual roof maintenance. In fact, why not just skip any maintenance work until something breaks and you have no choice but to climb on the roof? Unfortunately, that attitude might result in you missing some key maintenance that can create a bigger problem in future. 

Rather create an annual roof maintenance schedule, remember to install the right roof anchor points and implement a few simple guidelines. Being organised will make the process a lot simpler. 

Make Your Annual Roof Routine Quick and Easy

Setting time aside to perform a proper roof inspection at least once a year will extend your roof’s lifespan by up to a decade. Identifying a small problem may prevent extensive repairs. These are reasons enough to plan your roof maintenance better.

Here are some guidelines that will make roof maintenance considerably easier.

  1. Set Aside Time to Perform an Annual Roof Inspection

Our experts agree—an annual roof inspection is vital to stay in control and monitor potential roof repairs. If your roof doesn’t have a roof access hatch and the thought of climbing up and down ladders doesn’t appeal to you, the good news is that you can enlist a few professionals to do it for you. If however, you’re up to the task, then our next pointers are a must-read.

  1. Check for Exposed Nails

The first step in roof maintenance should be to check for loose or exposed nails. A single loose nail will create a gap in the roof, which in turn will provide a space for rainwater to stream into your home. 

While a few drops might not create any damage, constant streams of moisture can cause extensive damage to your paint and timber walls. If left undetected, this can lead to mould and mildew. The simple task of hammering in a few loose nails will prevent costly damage before it gets out of hand.

  1. Look for Missing Shingles

Another way to save money on expensive roof repairs is to check for missing shingles, or roof tiles. You’ll easily be able to see if you have missing ones, even while standing below in the yard.

In some cases, you’ll find loose shingles lying around, if they dislodged during a storm. As with the exposed nails, dealing with the loose components when you spot them will prevent any additional damage to the home or the rest of the roof.

  1. Inspect Caulk and the Flashing

The most common aspect of a roof inspection that many homeowners neglect until it becomes a problem is checking the condition of the caulk and flashing:

  • The flashing is a flat, thin piece of metal that directs water away from the space where roof elements intersect. 
  • Caulk is the sealant that keeps the flashing in place. Since caulk is prone to cracking and rotting, it can deteriorate quite quickly. When the seal is no longer watertight, water can easily get through any cracks in the roof.
  1. Check the Attic

If your home has an attic, its inspection should also be on your “roof maintenance” list. This enables you to see the roof’s underside, showing you if there is any water damage to the decking. You’ll also be able to see if the insulation needs replacing.

  1. Trim Any Hanging Trees

An aspect that may not always be on your roof maintenance list is checking the trees on your property and how they affect your roof. Trees with branches that hang over the roof can cause several problems, such as breaking and damaging roof tiles. 

Additionally, trees can also provide rats and other pests with easy access to the roof area where they can damage the insulation or gain entry into your home. Ideally, trees should be at least 10 feet away from the roof. To trim branches, our experts recommend enlisting the help of a professional tree felling company. This will prevent injury to yourself and your home or unnecessary damage to the tree.

  1. Check the Gutters

Australian homes can have one of three types of gutters—fascia gutters, concealed gutters or box gutters. No matter the type of gutters your home has, check that they are clean and not damaged. Gutters that aren’t checked often can become clogged with leaves or foliage during rainstorms. Keeping the gutters clean will ensure that water doesn’t pool and cause water damage. 

Final Thought

If roof maintenance is done properly, there’s no need to do it more than once a year, unless you notice something that needs repairing. Taking your personal schedule into consideration as well, find a time of the year when it isn’t too hot to work on the roof. 

Doing regular roof maintenance will ensure that you don’t have any major repairs to deal with. Stay in control and don’t let a small problem become a massive issue!