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When Is the Best Time to Get an Outdoor Kitchen?

Men and women who live up North find their outdoor time is limited. They won’t want to spend a lot of time outside when the temperatures drop, snow is coming down, and it is dark. Those who live in the South, in contrast, often spend 12 months of the year outside, although they may stay indoors more when the temperature climbs outside.

Most people though choose to grill during the spring and summer. They may use their grill moving into fall but want to clean it and put it away for the winter if they live up North. Men and women who live in the South might keep their grills out longer, but they still want to protect them from harm and will probably put them away during the worst of the weather.

Installing Outdoor Kitchens

For those who want to upgrade from a grill to an outdoor kitchen, winter is the perfect time to do so. Many items will decrease in price during the off-season, as retailers want to make room for new inventory. Furthermore, the contractor may have less work, as people don’t want to start projects only to have them delayed because of the weather. This means contractors often have more free time, so installing an outdoor kitchen can be done quickly. The homeowner may even save money on labor because the project moves along so quickly.

Planning Time

Furthermore, a person won’t feel rushed to plan the outdoor kitchen. They can spend time shopping for an outdoor grill island kit and other items for the space. If a person waits until the spring or early summer to begin planning, they may feel as if they are up against a clock. They want to be able to use the kitchen while it is still nice outside, so they spend less time looking for the perfect items and often settle for less than what they want. If the planning process begins during the winter months, this is less of an issue.

More Time to Entertain

Once the kitchen is in place, the owner can have family and friends over to enjoy it with you. There is no need for someone to stay inside and cook while everyone else is outdoors enjoying the fresh air. In addition, there will be no need to use the stove indoors, which can heat the house. The home stays cooler while everyone gets to enjoy the company of others thanks to the time spent over the winter planning for this feature.

Increased Home Value

Some outdoor kitchen companies claim a homeowner will see a 100 to 200 percent return on their investment when they install an outdoor kitchen. The National Association of Realtors says this figure is actually more like 71 percent, which seems more reasonable. Interior kitchen remodels only provide a 54 percent return on investment. Keep this in mind when planning the kitchen and choose those features you want, knowing much of this money will be recouped when the time comes to sell the home.

Don’t wait until it is nice outside to begin planning an outdoor kitchen. Any time of the year is a good time to begin the process. Those in the South will find the kitchen can be completed during the winter months. Men and women in the North might find they have to wait for construction to begin. However, as soon as the weather cooperates, the process can move forward without delay. The kitchen will be ready in little time, so you get the most use from it. Begin the planning process now to make this possible. You won’t regret doing so when you see the results.