
What Is Identity Managed Services and How It Can Help Your Business

Identity Managed Services is a feature of many cloud computing services that helps protect businesses from data breaches, cyber-attacks, and other potential risks. In this article, we’ll explore how Identity Managed Services work and why it’s so important for businesses of all sizes to make sure they have this type of protection in place.

Introduction to Identity Managed Services

If you’ve been paying attention to the IT world over the last few years, you’ve probably heard the term “identity management” or “IdM” thrown around quite a bit. But what is identity management, and how can it help your business?

Simply put, identity management (IdM) is the process of managing digital identities. This includes creating, updating, and deleting user accounts, as well as managing access control and security for those accounts.

In the past, businesses would typically manage their own identities using on-premise solutions like Microsoft Active Directory. However, as more and more businesses move to the cloud, they are turning to Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) providers to manage their digital identities.

There are many benefits to using an IDaaS provider for identity management. First, it frees up your IT staff from having to manage identities themselves. This can be a big relief for small businesses that don’t have a dedicated IT team. Second, it gives you more flexibility in how you manage your identities. For example, you can easily add or remove users from your account without having to worry about complex on-premise software deployments. Finally, most IDaaS providers offer robust security features that can help protect your business from data breaches and identity theft.

Benefits of Identity Managed Services

There are many benefits of using an identity managed service for businesses. Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can help to save the business time and money. Managed IT services would have centralized system in place for you in managing identities. This can also help to reduce IT support costs as there will be fewer systems for staff to maintain.

Another key benefit is that identity management can help organizations to improve their security posture. By having a single source of truth for identity data, organisations can more easily detect and prevent fraudulent activity. This can help to protect both the organisation and its customers from financial loss and damage to reputation. Additionally, by reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud, businesses can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Finally, an identity management solution can also help businesses to comply with data protection regulations such as GDPR. By ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive data, organisations can minimise the risk of fines for breaching data protection rules.

How Identity Managed Services Work

Identity management services (IMS) provide a comprehensive and centralized approach to managing digital identities. By using IMS, businesses can secure and automate the management of user accounts, passwords, and other identity data. This can help reduce the risk of data breaches, improve employee productivity, and lower IT costs.

IMS systems typically include a web-based portal that allows users to self-service their own account management needs. For example, users can reset their own passwords or update their contact information. This can help reduce the number of calls to the IT help desk, saving time and money.

In addition to the web portal, IMS systems often include an administrative console that gives IT staff granular control over user accounts. For example, administrators can create new user accounts, disable accounts that are no longer needed, or change permissions for specific groups of users. This helps ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and systems.

IMS systems can be used to manage any type of digital identity, including employees, customers, partners, and devices. They can also be used to manage physical access control systems such as door locks and security badges. By integrating with these systems, businesses can create a seamless and secure experience for their employees and customers.

Types of Identity Managed Services

Identity management (IdM) is a term for the security and business process management that surrounds the identification, authentication and authorization of users. It’s a core function in every organization that needs to manage users accessing its resources.

The services that makeup IdM can be delivered in different ways. Here are some of the most common:

1. SaaS-based identity management services: These are cloud-based solutions that provide all the necessary IdM functionality as a service. They’re typically easy to set up and use, and can be a good option for small businesses or those just getting started with IdM.

2. On-premises identity management solutions: These are installed on your own servers and managed internally. They offer more control and flexibility than SaaS solutions, but require more technical expertise to set up and maintain.

3. Hybrid identity management solutions: These combine on-premises and cloud-based components, giving you the best of both worlds in terms of control and flexibility versus ease of use.

4. Managed identity management services: These are provided by third-party organizations who take on all responsibility for designing, implementing and managing your IdM solution. This can be a good option if you don’t have the internal resources to do it yourself, but it’s important to carefully vet any potential provider before handing over this critical function.

Security Concerns with Identity Management Systems

There are a number of security concerns that need to be considered when implementing an identity management system. One of the most important concerns is the potential for data breaches. If data is not properly secured, it can be accessed by unauthorized individuals. This could lead to a loss of sensitive information or even identity theft.

Another concern is the possibility of insider threats. If employees have access to sensitive data, they may be tempted to misuse it or sell it to outside parties. This could result in serious damage to the company’s reputation or bottom line.

Finally, there is the issue of compliance with data privacy regulations. If an organization collects and stores personal data, it must take steps to protect that information from being mishandled or accessed without authorization. Failure to comply with data privacy laws can result in heavy fines or other penalties.

Costs and Pricing of Identity Management Systems

The costs and pricing of identity management systems can vary depending on the needs of your business. However, there are some general guidelines that can help you get an idea of what to expect.

First, it’s important to understand that there is a difference between the cost of an identity management system and the price of identity managed services. The cost of an identity management system includes the hardware, software, and maintenance required to keep it running. The price of identity managed services is the cost associated with using the system to manage identities for your business.

Generally speaking, the cost of an identity management system will be higher if you have more employees or customers who need to be managed. Additionally, the price of identity managed services will vary based on the size and complexity of your business.

If you’re considering an identity management system for your business, be sure to speak with a reputable provider about costs and pricing options.


Identity managed services are becoming increasingly popular among businesses as a way to protect sensitive data such as credit card numbers and passwords. By using identity managed services, businesses can ensure that their customers’ information is secure and that any potential breaches of security can be detected quickly. Furthermore, identity managed services offer valuable insights into customer behaviour which can then be used to refine the business’s marketing campaigns and target specific audiences more effectively. All in all, it is clear to see why identity managed services are an invaluable asset for businesses of all sizes.