
Things You Require to Host a Minecraft Server

There are endless numbers of minecraft servers out there, so it can be hard to determine which servers are good and which ones are junk. The best way to go around this dilemma is if you host a Minecraft server from scratch, as this assures you that everything will turn out great. If you do it right, your server will be good enough to serve up to 100 people at a time and maximize your returns. 

How do you do this, especially with little knowledge about servers and hosts? To make it easy for you, here are a few tips to guide you.

Getting a Server

The first step towards hosting the best Minecraft servers is to rent one. The server that you currently have on your PC is ideal, but only if you wish to play alone or with up to two friends. However, if you are up to accommodating a large community, you need a server with excellent performance and one that can serve you 24/7. Take your time and look for a Minecraft server you can trust before getting started. You need a provider who will be there for you and offer 24/7 customer support when you need it. 


Now that you already have a server, the next important step is to choose the theme that will match your needs. There is a range of themes to choose from and if you are not sure which one is best for you, let the experts guide you. The theme will significantly impact the playing experience. If you intend on hosting many people, ensure that you select a theme that most players enjoy. Choose a common theme to avoid making some people feel left out.


Note that the lesser the themes, the better the server’s performance. Again, there is a variety of plugins to choose from, and you need to take your time to ensure that you get the best. As the server grows, it is recommendable that you go for plugins that limit chats by words. This way, you will be able to read chats even with up to a hundred people on board.

Don’t Hesitate to Seek Help

As much as you want to host your server, you may not be in a position to run it efficiently by yourself. As you are busy running the server, you need someone to help you fix minor issues. Also, you probably do not know a lot about the Minecraft server, and that may mess up everything. Let the experts in and let them handle the hard work for you.


You want to make the most out of the server, and the only way to do so is by reaching as many people as possible. There are lots of competitors out there, and you, therefore, need to make your advert convincing. 

With these tips and steps, you will be in a better position to the best Minecraft servers and make the most out of them. Do not forget to be a good admin and kind to those who reach out to you. 

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