
How to Seek Compensation for Non-Physical Injuries After an Accident

After an accident, seeking compensation for non-physical injuries is crucial for recovery and justice. While physical injuries are often visible and easier to prove, non-physical injuries such as emotional distress, mental anguish, or loss of enjoyment can also have a significant impact on your well-being. 

According to DC Report, coping with emotional distress following a car accident can be just as demanding as dealing with physical pain. Individuals involved in car accidents often undergo a range of emotions, such as anxiety, anger, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

This article aims to guide you through the process of seeking compensation for non-physical injuries after an accident.

Document Your Injuries

Tragic road accidents are regrettably a frequent occurrence, but not all individuals involved in such incidents will endure physical harm. For instance, as documented by CDL Life, a collision involving a semi-truck in St. Louis resulted in a pile-up of over 30 cars. However, it is essential to note that not all individuals involved in the crash would necessarily sustain physical injuries.

To strengthen your non-physical injury claim, it is crucial to maintain thorough records of the harm you have endured. This involves diligently documenting the non-physical injuries you have experienced. 

Keep a journal noting any changes in your daily life, activities, or relationships resulting from the accident. Additionally, save any relevant documents, such as therapy or counseling records, medical evaluations, or testimonies from family and friends who can attest to the impact of your non-physical injuries. 

These detailed records will provide vital evidence of the extent and consequences of your non-physical injuries, supporting your compensation claim.

Consult a Mental Health Professional

As stated by Forbes Advisor, emotional distress is inherently intangible. Courts and juries typically hesitate to grant compensation solely based on emotional harm. Therefore, it is crucial to present substantial evidence to substantiate your claim. 

If you have sought assistance from a therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist following the incident, any newly diagnosed conditions or alterations in medication can serve as evidence of the emotional distress you have experienced. Collecting such documentation can strengthen your case and support your compensation claim.

Collect Supporting Evidence

Building a compelling case for non-physical injuries requires collecting evidence that substantiates your claim. This includes assembling various forms of documentation, such as medical records, therapy notes, and expert opinions, which can provide a clear picture of the impact of the injuries on your well-being. 

Additionally, obtaining witness statements from individuals who can testify to the emotional or psychological effects can bolster your case. It is essential to secure any other relevant documentation that strengthens your claim, such as photographs, correspondence, or incident reports. 

Accurately Assess Non-physical Injuries

When seeking compensation for non-physical injuries, it is crucial to accurately quantify the damages you have endured. Collaborating with your attorney or a qualified expert is essential in this process. 

They will assess various factors such as the severity of emotional distress, the impact on your quality of life, and the duration of the non-physical injuries. Through comprehensive evaluation, a monetary value can be assigned to these intangible losses, providing a foundation for negotiation or litigation to secure fair compensation for the non-physical injuries you have suffered.

Consult With an Attorney

When seeking compensation for non-physical injuries after an accident, it’s best to consult a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer in your area. For example, in the case of the truck crash mentioned earlier, a St. Louis truck accident attorney can offer valuable legal guidance specific to your situation.

They will evaluate the strength of your case and explore possible legal options. Also, a local attorney will know how best to gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and, if needed, represent you in court. 

TorHoerman Law notes that a personal injury attorney’s expertise in dealing with the complexities of the legal system ensures that your rights are protected and increases your chances of receiving a fair settlement for your non-physical injuries.

Pursue Settlement or Legal Action

Whether to engage in negotiations or pursue litigation depends on the unique circumstances of your case. A skilled attorney will assess the strengths of your claim and guide you on the best course of action. In some instances, negotiation with the responsible party’s insurance company may lead to a fair settlement outside of court. 

However, if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, pursuing a lawsuit becomes necessary. Your attorney will provide expert guidance, represent your interests, and navigate the legal complexities to ensure your non-physical injury claim is sought in the most effective manner possible.

Stay Persistent in Your Claim

It is crucial to remain persistent and determined in your pursuit of justice. Maintain a close working relationship with your attorney, as they will provide guidance and expertise. Follow their advice, diligently gather evidence, and stay actively involved in your case. 

Advocate for your rights at every stage of the process, whether it involves negotiations with insurance companies or proceeding with litigation. Your persistence can make a significant difference in ultimately securing the compensation you deserve for your non-physical injuries.


If your injuries aren’t physical, it may be challenging to prove the extent of your damages. However, with the right approach and the assistance of a personal injury attorney, you can ensure that your case is given the attention it deserves. 

Remember, your determination and persistence can significantly impact the outcome of your non-physical injury claim, ultimately providing you with the justice and financial support needed for your recovery.