
Different Ways to Save Energy at Home

Changing habits around the home is one of the best ways to save energy. Taking shorter showers, using the dishwasher only when full, and hanging clothes to dry instead of drying them in a dryer are all good examples.

You can also make your home more energy efficient by shutting doors to areas you’re not using and plugging air leaks around windows and pipes. This will prevent wasted energy and help reduce the demand for power plants that produce toxic fumes.

Turn off the lights

Turning off the lights is one of the easiest and most common ways how to save energy at home. It’s a simple habit that can have a significant impact if everyone does it.

You can calculate how much you save per hour based on the watt rating of your bulbs. For example, a 60-watt bulb uses—06-kilowatt hours an hour when it’s turned off. You can also install timers or dimmers to automate this task and make it more convenient.

Another way to save on lighting is by switching to LEDs. They’re cheaper and last longer than halogen bulbs. In addition, you can also use natural light whenever possible. It’s good for the environment and your energy bill. Plus, you’ll reduce your demand for electricity and help conserve limited resources such as coal, oil, and natural gas. This will reduce the need to harvest these fossil fuels, which are not renewable and contribute to climate change.

Install a programmable thermostat

Few energy-saving home improvements pay for themselves as quickly as a programmable thermostat. A simple program can cut heating and cooling bills by up to 10 percent.

Start by determining when you usually go to sleep and wake up. Then reduce the setting by about one degree for those times. Remember, a thermostat set lower at night than you feel comfortable will have to work harder to warm up in the morning.

Please choose a model with an easy-to-follow manual and follow its instructions for installing it in your home. If you’re worried about the technical aspect of installing a new thermostat, consider choosing one that is Wi-Fi-capable and can be controlled remotely. Many smart models can also switch to an eco setting when you leave for vacation, protecting your home from dangerously low temperatures that could freeze water pipes. 

Replace your air filters

Conserving energy is good for the environment; it can save you monthly money. From changing light bulbs to installing a smart meter, you can do many things to reduce energy usage.

Replacing dirty air filters (monthly or as recommended) is a simple and affordable way to reduce electricity costs. Dirty air filters can use up to 15% more energy than clean ones.

Cooking with the lid on saucepans and using a cooking ring that matches the pan’s size can also help reduce your energy consumption and take shorter showers.

Turning off lights in rooms you aren’t using and installing insulated curtains can also make your home more energy efficient. Adding double-glazing windows and doors to your house is another great way to conserve energy. These simple habits, easy home improvements, and smart buying tips may seem insignificant, but they can significantly decrease your energy consumption and boost your energy score.

Wait for a full load of laundry

Whether you’re looking to save energy in the laundry room or be more environmentally responsible, you can do a lot by making simple changes to your routine. Start by only using your washer and dryer when they’re full. This can help you cut your energy usage by as much as 90 percent!

When you do wash, make sure to use cold water. Heating the water in your washing machine takes a lot of energy and is unnecessary for most laundry loads. 

Another tip for saving energy in the laundry room is to avoid doing laundry during peak times. This can differ by season, so check with your utility company to find out what those are in your area. For example, during winter, you should do your laundry in the morning or late at night when electricity demand is lowest.

Unplug unnecessary appliances

Many of your appliances use electricity while they are plugged in — even when they’re turned off. This is called “phantom power.” Leaving your devices plugged in can consume up to 10% of your energy bills.

Purchase an inexpensive handheld electricity monitor to discover how much your appliances are used while plugged in. Plug the monitor into each appliance with it turned off, and a digital display will reflect its wattage consumption. Identify and unplug the largest consumers from your home to reduce energy usage.

Common energy vampires include television, cable, DVD players, stereo equipment, microwaves, and coffee makers. To save time, consider putting your household electronics on an intelligent power strip to shut them down with one click of a button when you’re done working or relaxing. Unplugging everything at night will also help to reduce your energy usage and bills.

Turn off the water

Taking shorter showers and only using hot water when necessary can save energy. A simple step like this can reduce the amount of electricity used to heat water by 5,000 gallons per year, translating to significant savings on your energy bill.

When you leave your house for vacation, turn off the dishwasher and other appliances. You can also reduce your home’s energy use while you are gone by installing dusk-to-dawn lighting, sealing windows and doors, and adjusting the thermostat to a warmer setting when you are away.

Understanding the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency is essential, which involves changing your habits for environmental and financial benefits. While government policies, having the best electric service providers, and appliance upgrades can help, many small changes can add significant savings over time. The key is trying a few new habits or easy home improvements each month, significantly impacting your monthly energy bills.