
6 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in Plumbing Maintenance

Whether it’s at the office or at home, plumbing is usually only something you give attention to when there’s a crisis. Wouldn’t it be more economical to invest in a plumbing maintenance program that can identify potential problems before they become a major issue?

Many commercial business owners already invest in the maintenance plans offered by the industrial plumbers Melbourne and other Australian cities rely on to keep emergencies at bay. But what are the actual benefits of having a maintenance plan in place? Is it something you should consider?

The Benefits of Preventative Plumbing Maintenance 

In addition to identifying potential problems before they happen, you may be surprised to learn that there are actually other benefits to investing in a preventative plumbing maintenance plan. Our plumbing experts have shared a few of these to highlight the importance of being proactive. 

  1. Improved Health for Your Family or Employees

Even the smallest water leak in your plumbing system can lead to water seeping into your walls. This in turn creates mould and mildew growth which can cause a variety of respiratory problems in individuals using the premises. 

A staggering statistic is that around 2.7 million Australians (11% of the total population) suffer from some form of asthma. Reducing the risk of developing asthma in your home should be on everybody’s priority list. If you work in an office, warehouse or other commercial space, the last thing you want is for employees or customers to become sick because of inefficient maintenance. 

  1. Increases the Value of Your Space

On average, plumbing systems can account for at least 10% of your home or commercial property value. While you might not have any intention of selling your property in the immediate future, regular maintenance will ensure that your plumbing system is up to date if you do decide to sell. This will minimise the work that you need to do to prepare your property for sale.

  1. Prevents Most Plumbing Emergencies

Every plumber will agree that ignoring small plumbing issues will lead to extensive damage to pipes and property over time. A small leak can easily lead to a burst pipe which will wreak havoc on your ceilings, walls, floors and ceilings. 

In a home environment this can lead to damage to furniture and appliances. A commercial space could see computer equipment being damaged during a water leak. Both scenarios will result in thousands of dollars’ worth of damage. Regular maintenance can easily identify those small problems that could become big disasters down the line. 

  1. Maintenance Covers Many Aspects

Plumbing doesn’t just involve one pipe or one room in your home, office, warehouse or industrial site. Various systems and fixtures and fittings are covered under the average maintenance plan. The most significant of these include the following:

  • Backflow devices: One of the top aspects maintenance covers is backflow prevention testing, which ensures that there’s no risk of water contamination. 
  • Thermostatic mixing valves: This type of maintenance ensures that the temperature coming out of your taps is the right temperature and prevents burns and scalds.
  • Safety showers and eye wash stations: Every industrial work site, by law, should have safety showers in place as part of their safety protocols. These need to be maintained to ensure they work correctly at all times.

It’s important to note that all three of these features are compliance requirements in certain spaces.

If you’re not sure if your commercial or industrial sites would benefit from these installations, a preliminary audit of the premises will help your plumber make the right recommendations. 

  1. Prevents Increased Water Bills

Here’s another two plumbing facts that you may not have known:

  • A tap dripping one drop of leaking water every two seconds can waste up to 4L of water yearly. 
  • Fixing a running toilet on the other hand, can save you an average of 49 000L of water annually. 

Consider the impact these two scenarios can have on your home or company’s water bill!

  1. Ensures Consistent Water Pressure

Whether you need to have a shower at home or at work, low water pressure can be very annoying. Furthermore, if you need to wash your face after a chemical spill at work, the last thing you want is low or no water pressure. It’s not uncommon for water leaks to lead to reduced water pressure in sinks and taps. Routine maintenance will identify these small leaks before they affect the efficiency of your infrastructure. 

Final Thought

When it comes to plumbing, the adage of prevention being better than cure definitely rings true. Investing in plumbing maintenance plans ensures that the different aspects of your home, commercial or industrial space are always well maintained. 

Identifying a problem in its early stages will reduce the risk of a major crisis which could be very costly to repair. Be proactive and give yourself peace of mind.